Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mission Conference in Caldas Novas

A couple of weeks ago Mario and I spent a week in Caldas Novas (about 3 hours from Goiania) for a Missions conference (there were about 900 people participating nationwhile, and many of the missions in Brazil were represented (including YWAM). 
This is a well-known Brazilian anthropologist and missionary named Leorardo Lindorio. He is always very profound in his preaching.
I actually did not participate directly because I went along just to rest and get away a little bit, my parents also went, which was really nice...they kept Lucas entertained and I got to relax! Unfortunatly, because I wasn´t there, we didn´t get many pictures of the event. Sorry!

Lucas playing in the suitcase in Caldas Novas...
... and literally getting into everything!
Here he is at the pool enjoying himself and Grandpa very much!
It was such a nice relaxing week!  Praise God for times of rest like these that renew our strength!

And back at home...just some cute pictures so show how cute he is every day!
...a little stroll in the wheel barrel  to the neighbors to buy some plants for the garden...
He is already showing signs that he will be a great helper in the garden!
....but if not, at least one other talent is starting to stand out...his love of music!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our vacation in Miracema, Tocantins (Mario's home)

September 7th is Brazilian independence day so it is a major holiday here. We took this opportunity to spend a week visiting all of Mario's family who came together in Miracema in the State of Tocantins where Mario grew up. Here are some pictures of our fun week. Of course the whole week revolved mainly around Lucas!

This is Mario's mom, Rosa (Rose). Lucas is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, so he gets a little spoiled! (Mario's father passed away in 2007).

 This is "Tia Katharina (aunt Katha), Mario's older sister, she is a dermatologist.
 and this is her husband Peter who meet Lucas for the fist time that week. He is also a doctor.  This family is full of doctors!

 This is Mario's youngest sister Thayrine, she is in her first year of Med. school in the state of Acre, close to Bolivia. Mario's youngest brother Marcus and his wife were the only two missing that week. (Marcus is a lawyer).

 Lucas also got to take a delicious bath in the Tocantins river with his aunt and uncle. Later on mom and dad did not resist and plunged in clothes and all. It was a lot of fun!

As you can see Lucas spent most of the time in the water. It is always very hot in Miracema (in the 100's) so he enjoyed splashing in the water several times a day! 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happenings at the base

In May we started a new DTS on the base.
A couple of weeks ago the students had a week of history class about the generations and at the end they decided to make our usual Thursday night worship service a "generation service"where everyone had to dress up from a generation, like "baby boomers, generation "X"or "Y", etc. It was fun...

Mario and I also had fun participating. For some reason the "hyppie"generation was very popular!

 Look at Mario and Jonas!
 Last week the Terceiro Espaco kids had a party…the kids always enjoy a good swim on those days! Especially now that it's so hot and dry here.
 Lucas also had a great blessing!  Many months ago when Mario was preaching in a missions conference in the state of Cuiabá. We went out to lunch with a young couple who had a two year old son named Eduardo (Dudu). They shared with us that next year (now this year) they wanted to get pregnant again and that they were hoping to have a girl, they said that if they got their wish all of "Dudu's"clothes would go to Lucas! I was still pregnant at the time!

 Well, guess what?! They are having a girl….and Lucas got a whole suitcase full of new baby clothes!!!
They came just in time too cause a few days prior I had told Mario that I would need to buy Lucas new pants because his were all getting small! God is so faithful!

 Speaking of God's wonderful faithfulness…I have to mention that we have also been experiencing the same miracle of the widow's oil that never went out with Lucas' diapers! He is already 7 months and can you believe we have never had to buy him a single bag of diapers??? It's true look...
Last week I took Lucas for his first swim in the pool! The cute little speedo and hat were in the "blessing suitcase"
 He was a little scared at first…but over all I think he had fun…I sure did!

 It's very hard to Lucas to fall asleep on someone else's lap besides his mommy's…but he must feel very confident with Jonas 'cause look here:
 This past weekend we had about 70 people on the base for an arts seminar, featuring circus, dance and theatre. We had professional teachers come to teach each of these areas. Young people from many different churches came to participate.

 The opening worship service...

 My good friends Dayse and Adriana. Dayse and her husband are missionaries in Angola (but they are back because she is pregnant) and Adriana and her husband just returned from India with their 2 kids. They were missionaries in Goa for 5 years.

 The official opening of the seminar was Saturday morning with another worship time...




 The girl in the wheelchair is from the Terceiro Espaco ministry on the base. She fractured her hip in a dance practice the week before! She was so sad that she could not participate in the seminar! Pray for her!

 This is "Guida"she just arrived from Angola to do our leadership school (ETD). She is our first international student in many years to come to our base!
 We praise God for the many 'happenings"around here. It sure is keeping us busy!