Sunday, August 19, 2012

Life on the YWAM base

The multipurpose building we have been working on is coming along very nicely. We already had a DTS and King's Kids graduations there. We hope to have it completed by the end of this year.
 The Kid's Kids having a prayer time by the new building.
 Practicing for the evangelism presentations...
 Worship service...
 This young man from our drug rehab center helped us with the reformation of Lucas' room which turned out really nice (I forgot to take a picture and Lucas is sleeping as I write this, so I will try to post a picture later).
 A few weeks ago we had a couple, Carol and Darvin, who work with a training school in YWAM called "Addictive Behavior" come and share their knowledge with us about Addictive Behavior. They gave a wonderful workshop at our drug rehab center and I had the privilege of translating.
 Mario is leading a group of youth from our church.  Last week they came to our house and we have a great time of sharing, encouraging them and worshiping the Lord together.

 Lucas continues to grow and surprise us every day with his humor and clever personality.
 Our Thursday night worship services have been very wonderful.
Things are going great at the base. The Lord has blessed us with a wonderful community and lots of ministry. On Thursday I began treaching drawing to another group of kids from our Kings Kids ministry. Things are busy but going well!