"Dumela" from Mahalapye, Botswana!
This means "Have Faith" in the local language, Tswana.
We have been in this town over 3 weeks now, and we praise God because the Africa Mobile Team is succesfully training the 4th evangelism team in Africa. We have 10 young people who are anxiously learning everything we are teaching them.
We are so blessed to be here sharing the Lord and training still another team in Africa. Time has flown by and already we are on our last week here, but we praise God for all he has done, for the team of 10 that we are training and all the people we have been able to encourage and minister to by sharing the gospel in the community.
We were told that 1 of every 3 people in Botswana have HIV, including many mothers and innocent children.
Every where we go we are received with friendly faces, especially of kids, who are eager to hang out with the foreigners...mostly in hopes that we will give them something. This has been probably on of the biggest difficulties, because many people are not genuine about their conversion, they just want to give always a possitive answer.
The man in the middle here is the Chief of Mahalapye, and next to him is Katharine a local who is a faithful christian and also running in the elections in hopes of being Mahalapye's next government Council member. She is HIV positive.
Katharine was able to make a contact for us in the Jail of Mahalapye (which we were told is actually the biggest jail in all of Botswana). We visited the womens' ward. We were glad to find that many of them were already saved, and as we shared Christ there many began to weep, and about 20 women gave their lives to the Lord for the first time! Praise God!
Unfortunatly, we were not able to take our camera inside, but the picture below gives you an idea of what the jail was like from the outside...

These two ladies were sitting on the ground when we arrived. They were so interresed in what we had to say, and we shared the Lord with them, but like many in Botswana, they were afraid to give their lives to the Lord because of the witch doctors.
The missionaries that have been hosting us, The Monks, have started a home church for the local community, so for the last 3 Sundays our team has been in charge of the whole service. It has been neat to get to know some people from the community and bless them with whatever we can...about 3/4 of the church are actually kids, so for 3 sundays I told them the story of a missionary from Scotland who ministered among tribes in Nigeria in the 1700's.
The kids really enjoyed it!
Because we have no transportation, everywhere when we do our house to house visits we have to walk. But it's been worth every step as we have been able to encourage many people and also see a few families give their lives to the Lord!
Lorena praying for a family where a mother had lost her soon two weeks before...
I also have been sharing the gospel with the "Evangecube" which was a gift from Bruce and Vicky Ciotta on our last visit to the USA....What a blessing it has been!
After I shared with this family, the mother and her daughter prayed to receive the Lord and the next Sunday they joined us in the church at the farm!
As we visited from house to house, this man also gave his life to the Lord!
We also had several opportunities, not only to teach the team we are training, but also to perform skits and dramas in different places. Face painting is part of our strategy to attract people's attention when doing street evangelism...
Here we are performing a drama at a school fundrasing event where we were invited to speak and perform.
In this picture you can see Marcello performing a drama with some others in the team...
We are so happy to see you using the cube and more importantly reaching so many for Christ. Bruce and Vickie