Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lucas' Birthday and some pictures of Christmas!

January 2nd was Lucas' First birthday!  We had a fun time getting all the preparations together. With Christmas a few days prior and New years just the day before, it felt like one long on-going celebration. But we wanted to make sure Lucas' birthday was a special event for him and friends and family. Here is a picture with the whole family (including Jonas)

The theme was "the farm" which seemed to fit well for Lucas' first year of life, so I made a bunch of cupcakes which I decorated as pigs, cows, sheep and chicks…he enjoyed eating a sheep cupcake!
January 1st it rained all night long and in the morning it was still raining. I prayed asking the Lord to stop the rain, but still it kept raining….and raining….around 3 pm it stopped and we were all relieved, but about a half hour later it started to rain again even harder and I remember thinking no one was going to show up! But at about 5:30 the rain stopped just in time for the first guests to arrive!
Everything continued on as planned, everyone that was invited came and the kids had fun running around. The sun even came out for a few moments before we sang Happy Birthday and when everyone dispersed again my dad suddenly called us to come and see the huge double rainbow in the sky! When I saw the rainbow just over the setting sun, I seemed to hear the Lord saying to me as He did to Peter, "oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?" Then my next thought was the promise He made Mario and I when we were first married (long before we even dreamed of Lucas)
from Isaiah 61:9
"Their descendants will be known among the nations. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed."
What a wonderful birthday present from the Lord!!!

This picture is just to show what a funny little guy Lucas is…here he is "playing dead" (or maybe he really was just "dead tired" from all the partying! =)

It has been such a joy to see our little boy grow and develop this past year. He has developed faster than many other kids we know his age. He is already running around, climbing on to furniture and getting into everything! He has also won over the heart of everyone who has had the privilege of knowing him with his charismatic personality….this was evident by the generous amount of gifts he received!

After looking through all the presents he went back to play with all the wrappings…I wonder if he was looking for more...
 Is this for me?! No way!!…That's awesome!!!
My brother Jeyson made this wagon for my parents and it was a great success with the kids during Lucas' birthday. Some of the adults took the kids on "hay rides" (the hay was imaginary). They had a lot of fun. Wagons don't exist here in Brazil, so they thought it was awesome!
 Where's the "baah" ?
Every time we go over to my parents house Lucas asks his grandfather (Opa) to take him to see the  two "baahs" (sheep), what's funny is that when he calls out for them they come running to see him too! It's quite cute!
Little drummer boy...
He loves eating oranges with his "papai"

Argh! This orange is so sour!

The next few pictures are actually of Christmas which was before Lucas' birthday, but I just couldn't let you miss out on those!

This was our Christmas present for Lucas…a cow shaped musical piano….

My mom cooked up a wonderful Christmas dinner with turkey and all.  It was also my brother Jeyson and wife Stephanie's son's first Christmas, Elijah Wesley. He was born a day before Mario's birthday, November 16th.

Pam pamram pam...

And just some cute shots we took at the end of the year...

Banana eating contest with the neighbors…Lucas wins every time! (Samuel 3 and Nicole 1.5)

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